I have had my fair share of detoxifications and have thoroughly hated the idea of it. I mean, you deprive yourself of all things nice, go through withdrawal symptoms and end up a miserable person.
That was my concept of what a detox meant. However, when I started experiencing mood swings, and various other complications which involved missed periods (and me freaking out thinking I was pregnant), I decided to see a doctor.
The doctor told me it was a case of excess estrogen.
My next thought was how to reduce estrogen!
He told me that an estrogen detox diet would help.
NO. I shuddered at the thought of having to even think of going in for detox and experiencing the estrogen detox diet symptoms. Then I thought, let’s try the natural route. I visited My Vital Health Solutions.
That is exactly what the question on my mind was.
How do you do it without becoming miserable?
At My Vital Health Solutions, naturopath Domenic Pisanelli explained to me just how!
He also recommended foods that decrease estrogen, which I will tell you about later on.
An estrogen buildup would mean a dramatic increase in the levels of estrogen in males and females. This hormone is dominant in females and present at low levels in males. Thus, when its levels increase in males, they begin to show feminine characteristics. In females, it can lead to tumours.
These problems cause one to wonder how to flush out excess estrogen.
Naturopathy recommends to deal with the root cause and triggers the body’s very own natural healing responses. A diet is one of the very first things that is addressed.
Though estrogen is a hormone and found naturally in the body, foods play a vital role in determining its levels. After all, hormones are proteins and proteins are made up of amino acids that are provided by the food we eat.
The best part about going natural is that you need not worry about experiencing estrogen detox symptoms.
The naturopathic guide offers you a set of lifestyle change advice on how to detox excess estrogen
If you are in a dilemma about how to go about and detox excess estrogen, do not feel alone. My Vital Health Solutions will offer you a personalised approach to dealing with this.
They helped me on my path to recovery.