08 Feb


I have something to share with you. It may change your perspective, or may not. Either way, it helped me immensely and I wish to reach out to everyone else too. 

I recently attended a Food Festival. You know those events where the biggest and most exotic food, meats, and fish from all over the world are spread out and you can take your pick? 

Yes, that. 

It was one of those ‘best things in the world’ kind of things. Wow…(insert dreamy face) 

Am I drifting away from the topic? Back to my allergy story. 

The next day, I woke up feeling full and heavy and covered in a red itchy rash all over my hands and feet. 

Why did I think a naturopath food allergy test would help?

I am a big believer in meditation, channelling the powers of the Universe and the body and the power of positive thinking. 

As far as possible, I stay away from pills and drugs or anything that may cause any change in my body’s chemistry. 

My Vital Health Solutions has always been my first choice of preference when it has come to body ailments. I am just so taken up by how Naturopath Domenic Pisanelli guides his patients on the right track and takes time out to understand what lifestyle choice could be causing the ailment. 

Over and above this, I usually do not have a history of allergies. Hence, there was no reason for me to suddenly break out into this rash. 

I needed to know the cause. 

How does naturopath food intolerance testing work?

The body comprises certain immunoglobulins or soldiers. Every class of immunoglobulins have specific functions of which IgG serves to fight infections. In allergies, the body detects a natural, common element as an allergen - a foreign body. 

This causes the IgG to fight against this harmless material as if it were a pathogen, thus causing allergic responses such as rashes and difficulty breathing. 

naturopath food sensitivity test tests a sample of your blood against various food substances which may act as allergens. 

If your blood, on reacting with any of these ‘allergens’ shows the presence of IgG, it would indicate that you are allergic to that food. 

The naturopath food allergy test revealed that in my case, the allergen was sesame. 

How did food allergy testing in Melbourne help me?

Now that I knew that my body had a bad response to sesame, my next step would be to be careful about my diet. 

It is this simple. 

All thanks to the naturopath food intolerance testing. 

Do not ponder much over a food allergy testing in Melbourne. It is the right choice. It helped me, and I hope you find relief with the amazing team of My Vital Health Solutions

I’ll leave you with something they said during my therapy. 

The aim is never to find a magical cure but to find what is troubling your body and eliminate it. 

All the best!

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